
Economic Indicators1

GDP growth
5-year population growth
Unemployment as of Dec. 31, 2024
No. 9
in Net
of Tennessee moves are inbound migration3
  1. Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
  2. Source: U.S. News and World Report
  3. Source: North American Moving Services
Everyone at Pinnacle is so professional and friendly. I really enjoy banking with them as they make me feel like I'm a valued customer versus when I was at [a national competitor]. Memphis client
We have LOCAL contacts that take care of our needs very quickly. We don't need much, but when we do, it is usually time sensitive. And it is always good to have peace of mind knowing that our partners are TRUE partners. Memphis client
Responsiveness. We work with several other banks and are always hunting for help. With Pinnacle, Joelle is a reliable contact who can put us in contact with the right people if she cannot handle directly. I have never heard 'that's not my area, call the customer service line.' This is a normal thing from other banks and so frustrating. Joelle and the rest of the Pinnacle team are an absolute joy to work with and take true ownership over our account and relationship. Memphis client
Each person there knows me and my wife. They are professional, attentive, efficient, and helpful. If I ran a bank, I would hire each one of them. Memphis client

Pinnacle Growth

Revenue Producers
Loan Growth to $2.4 Billion
Deposit Growth to $2.4 Billion
No. 3
Deposit Market Share Out of 64 Banks*

*As of June 30, 2024, according to FDIC data.